
The e3net blog is a new development for 2018.

We have been leading change and development in education for many years (decades even!) but have until now not published a regular blog.  The plan is to rectify this in 2018 by publishing a number of articles about education.


Gender equality is an important matter for society nowadays and thus all education systems. In 2013, the OECD showed its concern for this matter in a document entitled Recommendation on Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship[i]. The document sets out a number of recommended actions for countries as follows:


Education Scotland is the policy-making body for the Scottish education system and for the last twenty-five years or so they have produced a handbook called ‘How Good Is Our School?’[1], or HGIOS for short. It is used by Scotland’s school inspectors on their visits to schools and all schools also use it in self-evaluation in order to ensure that they meet national standards. ‘How Good Is Our School?’ is designed to promote effective self-evaluation as the first important stage in a process of achieving self-improvement.